+31683445433 info@lifeoptimal.nl

About Life Optimal

My name is Dominique Meijssen, clinical psychologist (GZ-psycholoog), coach and neurofeedback trainer. For many years I worked with much pleasure in mental health care (basis GGZ) and different hospitals both with children and adults. From different perspectives working as a researcher, therapist and manager I have experienced how people even in their darkest moments are able to make something out of life. People show resilience and bounce back, finding meaning by following their hearts. Unfortunately, the current healthcare system is focused more in controlling symptoms and complaints. I faced certain limitations because there was not much room for prevention and holistic approaches towards health and disease. That’s the reason why I started Life Optimal in 2022. It feels liberating to be able to listen to and to see the person as a whole and to work from a holistic perspective in order to offer customized care. I work together with other care professionals in case you need something that I can’t offer. The way I work can best be described as humoristic, confrontational, safe, insightful and honest. 

To keep my own balance and to live my life in an optimal way I spend a lot of time in nature, listen to and make music, practice yoga and spend time with the people I love. I try to live a conscious life and to follow my heart without losing connection with my mind and body. And having fun, maybe the most important element in my life.

About Life Optimal

My name is Dominique Meijssen, clinical psychologist (GZ-psycholoog), coach and neurofeedback trainer. For many years I worked with much pleasure in mental health care (basis GGZ) and different hospitals both with children and adults. From different perspectives working as a researcher, therapist and manager I have experienced how people even in their darkest moments are able to make something out of life. People show resilience and bounce back, finding meaning by following their hearts. Unfortunately, the current healthcare system is focused more in controlling symptoms and complaints. I faced certain limitations because there was not much room for prevention and holistic approaches towards health and disease. That’s the reason why I started Life Optimal in 2022. It feels liberating to be able to listen to and to see the person as a whole and to work from a holistic perspective in order to offer customized care. I work together with other care professionals in case you need something that I can’t offer. The way I work can best be described as humoristic, confrontational, safe, insightful and honest. 

To keep my own balance and to live my life in an optimal way I spend a lot of time in nature, listen to and make music, practice yoga and spend time with the people I love. I try to live a conscious life and to follow my heart without losing connection with my mind and body. And having fun, maybe the most important element in my life.

Qualifications and Registrations

  • Clinical psychologist (Gezondheidszorgpsycholoog BIG-geregistreerd)
  • Child psychologist
  • EMDR therapist (Membership Vereniging EMDR Nederland, foundation and advanced training)
  • PHD thesis (2009): Out of balance: mothering after very preterm delivery (very preterm birth and the effects for the child and parents)
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  • Neurofeedback trainer (NeurOptimal®)
  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)

  • Yoga teacher
  • Yogatherapist (in training)
  • Training in Ayurveda
    Voice Dialogue 
    DISC and Motivation trainer

    Membership LVVP (Landelijke Vereniging voor Psychologen en Psychotherapeuten)


Please send a message if you have questions.
Fill in this form below or send us an email.

9 + 9 =

Address 1
Sarphatistraat 14
1017WS Amsterdam

Address 2
Willem de Zwijgerlaan 69

BIG: 01991645525
KvK: 84791284
BTW: NL004014664B15
AGB-code practice: 94066684
AGB-code personal: 94012840