+31683445433 info@lifeoptimal.nl

Practical information

Waiting list

At the moment there is no waiting time at Life Optimal.

Complaints and suggestions

In case you have a complaint or you are not satisfied with the care provided, please discuss this directly with your therapist. If you cannot reach an agreement with your therapist, please contact the LVVP.


Please send a message if you have questions.
Fill in this form below or send us an email.

9 + 5 =

Address 1
Sarphatistraat 14
1017WS Amsterdam

Address 2
Willem de Zwijgerlaan 69

BIG: 01991645525
KvK: 84791284
BTW: NL004014664B15
AGB-code practice: 94066684
AGB-code personal: 94012840